Creating Great Educational Content.
By Bill Haley 11-16-2023 The government currently spends over $1.2 trillion on education across America. Let us dedicate 1% of that to ensure great educational content. Proposal: the federal government dedicates $12 billion of its current budget to give 12 groups of people $1 billion each. Every American would join a group called ???? Federal school board. I would prefer to require by law every household pay their federal School board $10 a month, which is roughly $12 billion, and the tax rates reduced to match. |
To create the groups, all sitting elected school board members from the nearly 14,000 public school districts will create 12 different groups based on educational philosophy. Those groups will put out their vision and ask citizens to join. The 12 groups with the most members become the 12 federal school boards. To get down to the top 12, the group with the lowest membership is told to merge with one of the top 12. This is repeated until we have 12 groups. Members of every federal school board will elect their own leadership. Members have the right to change their membership to another federal school board. |
All boards receive a percentage of the $12 billion that matches their membership, roughly $1 billion a year, or the $10 a month from their members. Every board is tasked with breaking down all education curricula into 1,000 units. This will include K-12 and college, including doctorate level. Different boards are free to break it down in different ways and emphases differently. A grant of $1 million will be created for every curriculum unit. This will total 12,000 $1 million grants. Every subject will be addressed in 12 different ways from the 12 distinct federal school boards. 1,000 different units mean about 50 per grade level K-12 and 400 different units in college. This means 5th-grade math will likely be broken down into about 6 units. |
While all content is required to be mainstream academic, history, economics, and other controversial issues will be addressed in the educational philosophy chosen by each of the dozen federal school boards. While one federal school board is required to stay secular, other school boards may teach mainstream academics within a religious atmosphere. The $1 million per unit grant will be expected to completely cover their assigned curriculum. There should be dozens of one-hour video lessons. Over a hundred 20-minute videos and several hundred 5-minute or less videos addressing each point. They will put out textbooks and hundreds of worksheets. An excellent computer program dealing with the lessons targets every desktop, laptop, tablet, and smartphone, among other platforms. |
Each team should have a computer graphic designer, lecturer, computer programmer, and related positions. $1 million is enough for a leader at $200,000, 3 people at $100,000, 5 people at $50,000, and a $250,000 budget for rent, computers, video equipment, and other necessities. Many units will likely share people, space, and equipment. While one year is enough to get the job done, the budget will last 3 years, with the second year to promote your lessons and assess how the unit is doing in schools. The third year’s budget is to redo some lessons and adapt computer programs. Half the budget for the second and third years will be used to rate the content of all the units compared across all 12 federal school boards. |
All content created will be open to all Americans and every American school without charge. School boards will keep an ongoing total budget of $6 Billion or $5 a month per household to keep lessons updated, address computer issues, improve online learning tools, and keep an ongoing rating system. The cost of textbooks to local schools will decrease by 98%, leaving just the cost of paper or uncopyrighted textbooks. Online video platforms like YouTube and others will likely have all content from all 12,000 units. All federal school boards would have their own computer app and create a system to document that a student is achieving their personalized curriculum. This gives every underfunded homeschool, private school, public school, and others total and unhampered access to great content. |