Bill Haley, created in 2013. The purpose of this page is to show that there are many ways to look at the origins of man and the universe. It is very dangerous and problematic for politicians and the government to mandate children to be taught any specific ‘fact.’ In the free enterprise system, every school will state how they will address each subject and parents and teens will use all the information to make their choice on what school to attend. |
It is evident that Haley2024 the Movement trusts parents to decide how, where, when, with whom, and what is taught to their children. Many may not want their children to be taught creation; however, just as many do not want their children taught only evolution as fact. It is a perilous policy for the government to claim that they can force the teaching of "facts." There are not just two ways, instead hundreds of variations on these subjects. Haley2024 totally opposes forcing specific education on any child. Especially when parents would disapprove or when the training disparages their religion. It is highly desired by parents that their children be inculcated within their worldview. |
Just one point of view
God created man on the sixth day. If on that day, Adam cut down a big tree in the Garden of Eden, would he have found rings? Many creation scientists try to show that all that we observe on earth must have been done in roughly 6,000 years. While no one knows how long ago God created the earth, I hold that the day after the sixth day, the earth already had gold in the ground and rivers meandering. |
Niagara Falls was already there. Oil, coal, and natural gas (the byproduct of living things many millions of years before) were seeping into the Gulf of Mexico. Dinosaur bones were already in the ground. There were whales giving birth and crabs eating a squid that died a month before. Trees need organic material in the soil to grow. Half eroded mountains had one-thousand-year-old trees on it. |
All this being said, it is perfectly reasonable to believe the Biblical creation story and still believe in half-lives of millions of years of certain rocks or the Mid-Atlantic Ridge that is obviously hundreds of thousands of years in the making. Science cannot disprove 20,000-year-old earth because on the sixth day, God made the planet livable and not a solid uniformed rock. I do not claim to know the age of the earth; however, I do accept that scientists have good evidence of the 13.8 Billion years claim for the universe and 4.5 billion years for the earth. |
It is perfectly reasonable that God wanted us to research the earth and the long-term processes so we may be better stewards of it. If God did make the earth and universe 20,000 years ago, light from stars millions of light-years away would already be hitting the earth. Mountains made of sedimentary rocks would be present with evidence of 100,000 years of erosion. God could have perfectly made a complete history. Part of the nature of God is to be omnipresent and within all time simultaneously. |
I believe that life is simply too complicated to have been developed by natural selection. While small changes can come about within existing genes, you simply cannot change genes a little bit and develop arms, eyes, lungs, and other complex body parts without having the basic knowledge of genes for those body parts in the first place. Consciousness and a soul are simply not able to come about with random mutations and not part of the physical world. God could have created in many ways and could have used some evolution directed by His intelligence. However, I do believe a soul and spirit was put into a man for the first time within the last twenty thousand years. |
All this being said, my point with this page is that there are many ways to teach solemn subjects. Many of these subjects have significant freedom of religious aspects to them. The government should not be in the business of forcing anyone's version on all the people. In the current system, parents only receive the enormous benefit of the government paid for education for their children when they allow government bureaucrats to decide these significant issues of what their children learn. That is wrong. |