This article does not intend to diminish any current rating organizations; many are well-meaning and try to give real, valid, and serious feedback about businesses and organizations. Trust is hard to build up; however, some rating organizations are created or co-opted by a business for the sole purpose of giving the business awards or cover for some adverse practices. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is an excellent example of an organization that people trust. The BBB would likely transition to a CRA Organization that coordinates many Sectors. |
Many people have heard about a TV report showing one restaurant with issues and someone’s complaint about that issue. True or not, this often does not give a complete picture of the business. There has never been a restaurant without an insect or rodent at one time or another. The big issue is how many, where and for how long. TV reporters often give a snapshot that can often be misleading by not putting everything into perspective with long term real evidence and comparisons. |
Companies will frequently advertise that they have high standards in one area to improve their brand, thus sales. This can give a very incomplete picture of the company. The Rating System looks at the company overall and across more extended time frames. |