Sure, you can give advice on how they might make a better deal or otherwise inform them of other options; however, once advise is provided, one should let others make a trade if they wish. If you state that someone is not being paid high enough wages or that the employer should be paying for more benefits, you have to ask yourself if you are willing to pay the higher amount. |
Are you willing to start a business and hire that person at the wage you advise? Are you ready to include all the benefits? Are you going to cover the costs of all the safety features you command them to have? Are you going to give them paid time off? Are you going to pay all the taxes, fees and other expenses involved in employing people? |
If the employee is really ‘worth’ the salary, benefits, and expenses that you claim other should pay them, then you should be able to get that worth out of them as well and pay all those expenses. The excuse of ‘I don’t operate a business that can employ them’ is likely true; however, it is likely their current employer cannot either. |
In fact, their current employer pays them more than any other employer in the city, in the state, in the country, and in fact more than anybody else in the world. It is likely the employee is ignorant about better opportunities open to them; however, that is a function of the inordinate value of information about what opportunities are out there. |
It is often valuable to use your labor in searching for better jobs even when you have one. There is great value in learning more about your opportunities. You can compete with your current employer or search out for higher paying professions. Are you learning how the business makes money? Can you find ways to increase your company’s earnings and show your extra worth? |
If they attempt higher wages than necessary, they risk becoming uncompetitive. The employee’s needs are not relevant to the employer. The employee certainly should concern themselves with earning enough to take care of their needs and can choose to set their own minimum wage. They can establish their own benefit requirements. |