Poorly structured protein dies or is significantly inhibited from the protein’s full potential, harming the body. Likewise, people living under a poorly structured government are inhibited. People living under freedom and liberty are fundamentally no better than the people living under statism. Their God-given potential is the same!
History of governments has proven that socialism among other substantial government-controlled systems, inhibits people thriving, thus resulting in a much lower standard of living. Freedom and liberty, however, is an exception to the historical rule of tyranny. America has thrived and has been a shining city on the hill of what free people can accomplish when not inhibited by massive government control.
Over the last several decades, increased government regulations, higher tax burdens, and government providing for more of the peoples’ needs have taken responsibility away from the people and hampered them from thriving. Removing government control and allowing those needs to be met in the free enterprise system, unleashes the peoples’ potential for their greatest thriving.
Our bodies are similar, in that proteins, carbohydrates among others are directed by our DNA to make specific skin, blood, heart, lung, muscles among many other tissues and cells. God truly made us complex. Looking at how many millions of things need to go just right to stay alive is amazing. Bad DNA often causes handicaps or death.
Every human being has enormous potential to create value and worth to themselves and to others. Government policies, the DNA of our society, can inhibit or can allow every person to thrive to their highest potential depending on the structure. Government policies that limit people from mutually agreeable trade, such as regulations, do great harm by not allowing those that would be better off in the trade from trading.
While regulations are an essential service, a monopoly of those regulations by politicians creates enormous problems. First, there is a knowledge problem. The amount and scope of what government regulates are overwhelmingly more than what a politician could conceivably know or care about. Second, the immeasurable power of MONOPOLY in regulations creates boundless incentives for corruption.
Haley2024’s Competitive Regulatory Agencies allows for the free enterprise system to provide the service of regulations. Correctly structured, with ratings and people wanting higher standards, free enterprise will increasingly improve regulations and allow for people to thrive. Bad laws will be driven out by proper regulation when they can be freely chosen.
Self-governance, which is every person providing for themselves through the interdependence of free enterprise is a far better system than a few politicians in government, providing specific NEEDS for the people. When the government provides a need, people do not provide that for themselves. This makes people dependent on the government for particular needs. Government provision inhibits the advancements in that product.
Government provision for education has significantly inhibited educational advancements and has massive government control versus parental control. Government provision of roads results in higher cost, lower quality, and less supply. Government provision of retirement has had disastrous results. Government provision of health care has resulted in a higher cost, lower quality, and less supply.
Government provision in ‘helping the poor’ has been disastrous to the poor in countless ways; however, the greatest harm is destroying the family. Government’s control of utilities has led to higher cost, lower quality, and less supply. Government control of our money has resulted in massive monetary taxes, reduces people’s incentives to save and significantly distorts capital which inhibits capitalism.
The taxes needed for government provision of needs increase the tax rates, which disincentivizes people from earning in the first instant. Business owners who hire employees are disproportionately affected by higher tax rates, thus resulting in fewer jobs. Fewer jobs drive wages down, harming the poor the most with either no job or less pay.