Some people have unmet serious needs and fall on the mercy of society to fulfill those serious needs. How did these people advance into their bad situation? How should society help? Thousands of factors come into play. Wisdom, experience, and competition are crucial to delivering assistance. Because the needs of every person and family are different, a subjective determination is unequivocally essential. While I stay on topic with this article, I will introduce the Haley2024 Charity System as a contrast with government welfare. |
The government took over the role of helping the poor. That transition yielded less religious involvement; thus, reducing one of the great motivations to help. The conversion to government welfare removed competition. Individual subjective determination yielded to a one size fits all system. Wisdom and experience of people in the neighborhoods gave way to bureaucrats thousands of miles away. The ability of charities to say ‘no,’ switched to the ability of people to demand help. |
It is important to note that society is defined by all the people in a geographic region. Society establishes a government to handle specific tasks and assigns businesses, organizations, charities, churches, and individuals to handle everything else. Haley2024 proposes that society transition away from using government to help the poor and replace it with the Haley2024 Charity System built within the free enterprise system. |
Living in a Society with Serious Unmet Needs Is a Negative Externality
Should those needs be met by society? Should Society be forced to meet those needs? If society were not mandated to meet those needs; would those needs be met? If there was a mandate to help fulfill those needs; what needs would be included, and how should the mandate be manifested? If society decides they should fulfill those needs; should it be met by private individuals, organizations, and churches or by government action? These questions are answered throughout this article. |
Most people want to live in a society where people are not living on the street, going without healthcare, starving, uneducated, or living with other serious unmet needs. Adverse effects on everyone occurs when some people are in poverty. Property values decrease when large homeless encampments are close by. People do not like other people suffering. The quality of life is reduced for all people when additional people are in misery. |
A Rating Floor on Not Becoming a Burden on Society
People have righteous anger on those that do not mitigate their and their dependents risk of falling on the mercy of society. Most people want their charitable giving to go to those that did everything right but were part of the unlucky few that fell on hard times. A high percentage of society desires those they are being helped to appreciate the help and make every effort to help themselves. When some people put themselves in bad situations that yield many serious unmet needs, they are overwhelming the resources to meet those needs. |
The Haley2024 Rating System uses Rating Floors in many Sectors to ensure citizens are taking reasonable steps to not become a burden on society. The 5% mandate to contribute to charities within the Haley2024 Charity System is to ensure there are the necessary funds to fulfill the needs of those that still fall in need. This structure has an extensive division of labor, responsibilities, and competition of different charity models. |
Giving food, Shelter, and Health Care
People see hunger and make food available. The homeless are without shelter, and people provide a house. Medical needs are identified, and people hire or otherwise pay for a doctor and nurse. Sure, those items are included in most efforts to help the poor; however, if that is the extent of the efforts, it would yield many adverse consequences. |
The Worth of Requiring the Needy to Work
The Bible states, “If anyone isn’t willing to work, he should not eat.” Many people want to take this out of context or give a fallacious meaning to it. If a capable man states that he will not work and demands that you feed him, the demand should go unfilled. Hunger is a great motivator to work. If the demand for food is met, the hungry man and those that feed him are both harmed. The adjectives ‘capable’ and ‘willing’ are crucial. |
The Self Worth of Earning
Being dependent on others injures a man’s soul, pride, and self-worth. Men instinctively know that women do not respect a man that just takes handouts and cannot support himself or his family. Many men feel threatened by a wife that out-earns him. Stay at home dads are a small fraction of stay at home mothers for an essential reason. On the most part; men look for a spouse that can raise children and women are looking for a spouse that can financially support a family. |
A significant part of the Haley2024 Charity System is the notion of requiring those receiving help to put in work hours. Many people will be concerned with the notion of men and women having different priorities. Citizens having varying opinions about the nature of families, charities, assessing needs, work requirements, ethical requirements, religion, education requirements, among others is the reason there would be roughly a dozen CRA’s in the Family Law, Religion, Assessor Organizations, Charities, and CDA’s Sectors. |
The Poor Are Capable: Stop the Paternalism
With only a few exceptions, everyone has capabilities that can serve others. Wise people in Assessor Organizations competing with other knowledgeable people for the best ratings will put people to work if they fall on the mercy of charities. Every Charity Rating System would decide what values they wish to weigh highest; however, moving people to independence or the greatest level of interdependence as possible would be high on most RA’s list. Many RA’s would value a sense of self-respect and belonging to a community. |
Under the government Social Security disability program, people get stuck in a nonworking lifestyle. When someone is disabled, rarely they become a total invalid. People know that qualifying for that benefit is very difficult and time-consuming. One of the requirements to stay on that benefit is to not work. Everyone hears stories of that person who took a part-time job within their abilities and lost their benefits. |
The disabled person just wanted to be useful and needed help to make ends meet. The workplace made some accommodations for the disability and gave the person many breaks. The government is stringent on qualifications and kicked them off the program. The person still cannot work full-time and in need of many accommodations. The doctors get flagged as qualifying someone as disabled that ended up working. The doctor is reluctant to requalify that same person because the government might charge the doctor with fraud or gaming the system. |
The government, by the definition of law, cannot use subjective determination on an individual basis. The Haley2024 Charity System was built around the notion of subjective determination. This Charity Economy would specialize in putting people to work within their abilities. People could come out of the shadows of working under the table. |
Teach, Apprenticeship, Life Coach
The majority of the time, when someone falls on the mercy of society with serious unmet needs, that person made bad life decisions. There are a small percentage of people that did everything right and just had unfortunate hard breaks. Either way, a life coach can come in very handy. Social workers in the current system can be beneficial; however, they lack the ability to pull benefits if bad life decisions continue. |
The ability of the Haley2024 Assessor Organizations (AO’s) to require work, education, among others as a condition of receiving benefits is a crucial factor to make this system work. The reason there are roughly a dozen different AO’s is that everyone has a different philosophy of helping the poor. |
Capital and Banking Law
It is difficult in the current economy to try to compete with companies with the proper machines to help make products or provide services. If an impoverished person tries to compete in business, they need capital to get a good start. The necessary high taxes for government welfare, the pay as you go government retirement system, and tremendous government debt lower the amount of capital in the system. Decreased levels of capital in the system does not reach very far into the less wealthy demographic groups. |
Numerous banking laws inhibit the poor or those with poor credit from banking. A large percentage of people dislike payday loan or check-cashing stores. A proper look at banking regulations will demonstrate how those regulations push the poor out of regular banks and into the hands of the high-priced payday loan or check-cashing stores. Better regulations from the Financial CRA’s will likely eliminate those stores with competition and allow the banks to serve everyone. |
Game Playing
People examine the qualifications to receive government benefits. If a person understands that they almost qualify for a benefit, they are motivated to change their circumstance to gain the benefit. Many laws include or exclude a married person from a benefit. Depending on the situation, people are encouraged or discouraged to marry or get a divorce. Some people divorce so a spouse can receive Medicaid without exhausting their retirement accounts. |
Different tax laws give married people benefits, and other tax codes create a marriage penalty. Parents are giving up custody of their 17-year-olds so the teenager can access student loans and grants for college. My wife came to me and asked me to stop increasing my income at my place of employment so we could keep Medicaid as a backup option. The elderly know well that their S.S. benefits are reduced if they earn money. |
Perhaps the worse example of changing one’s circumstances to gain government benefits is mothers not marrying the father of their children. The harm is overwhelming and multifaceted. This one requirement has pushed the percentage of the single-parent household from the 20s to the 60s. Other welfare programs yield large neighborhoods with 90+% of fatherless homes. |
Analyzing Finances
Helping the poor is very difficult; therefore, a division of labor is essential. Within Assessor Organizations, separate people will dig deep into the finances of the person requesting help. This is done within the government system as well; however, with many different approaches from the different AO’s, varying methods of analyzing finances would be considered. |
Stop the Government from Making It Unlawful to Work
The government created labor law, currently inhibits many low skilled, inexperienced, and those with bad reputations from working. Licenses and degrees needed to work specific professions are hard to attain by the poor. While medical CRA’s would likely mandate high levels of training to do operations, thousands of hours of training to arrange flowers or braid hair is not likely under the CRA Structure. |