There are those that are well read; they study a lot. However, without massive amounts of hours of digging deep into Target and all the others, they have little idea whether Target's identity security is more or less than Walmart, Sears, Kmart, or others. Many that pay close attention to the news have come to distrust the news for accurate information. Sometimes the information is correct; however, stated in such a way that is highly unfair.
A news reporter could come on TV and state truthfully that there has been an explosion on the sun so big that it would swallow the entire state of Texas. He could further state that the scientist claims the effects of that explosion will reach earth in 8 minutes. He could give the amount of heat and the different forms it will take. He could be entirely truthful, and without providing context, he could cause a panic. The point is, the media can take things way out of context.
Giving truthful information is only half of the story. Carefully analyzing the data is highly valuable and very powerful. Different people have different thoughts on how things need to be analyzed. Therefore, many different groups will analyze the data and rate. Everyone will pick which RA’s they choose to trust. Haley2024 Rating Agencies only answer to those that give them their trust.