The two main models for space exploration is the current government owned and operated model and the contest model. Government own and operated is heavily bureaucratic and politician controlled. Politicians main concern is if the spending happens in their district. Most Congressmen’ knowledge of space technology is highly limited. The contest model, where a prize goes to the first to achieve a goal has merits; however, has major limitations and drawbacks. |
Haley2024’s new funding model for the military could also work for space exploration and replace NASA. The model is funding based on capabilities, advancements, and achievements. Haley2024 proposes that the Military Capabilities System dedicate roughly 2% of their budget on space exploration with a different set of goals than protecting America from foreign foes. The current Air Force and the proposed Space Force(2018) have a concentration on fighting forces. Certainly, many space businesses could have exploration and military products. The Military Capabilities System (MCS) specializes in dynamic assessments of capabilities. The MCS already has to dynamically separate naval forces with air forces among many other assessments. |
The MCS will likely have teams that would be experts in space technology and will use the funding to push increases in capabilities, advancements, and achievements. Under Haley2024 reforms of military funding, military contractors would already be in the business of outer space technology. However, the goals of protecting the USA from outside forces would not properly incentivize space exploration desired by many. The reason for a separate category interest is to influence and incentivize these military corporations to multiple goals. |
Many commercial applications could help pay for space exploration. Government's military and space explorations along with commercial money could mix, the rating system would be very dynamic and could account for all issues. Free enterprise in space exploration is getting to the point where profits could be envisioned in the near future, however currently not there. Government money will allow corporations to push further than what commercial endeavors can currently advance. |