There is a rash of lawsuits regarding people refusing services to willing buyers of goods or services. Bakers, florists, caterers, farm owners (venue), among other people are being targeted in lawsuits for refusing service to a same-sex wedding. The public accommodation laws and anti-discrimination laws are in direct conflict with the constitutional protection of The Freedom of Association. |
Pornography is legal, and some willing producers would love to go into actress agencies and pick young actresses and purchase their services. With the same logic as caterers refusing services when they object to the content around their services of a gay wedding, likewise many actresses would object to the content surrounding performing in a porn movie. |
Just as customers are free to discriminate on what services they purchase and whom they purchase it from, so should businesses offering services. Free enterprise means both sides must agree on the contract or sale. Just as there does not need to be a genuine religious belief in order to deny services to a gay wedding, there should likewise be of no need for a heartfelt religious reason for an actress to refuse to do porn. An atheist should have all the rights as a true believer. |