Drilling U.S. Oil Is Pro- Environment Oil is constantly seeping out of the ocean floor at rates we currently do not know. Oil is very old ‘dead stuff’ from thousands of years ago. There is similar stuff that currently coats the bottom of the ocean from recent ‘dead stuff.’ Oil is made from organic material under pressure for thousands of years. It is natural for it to make its way back to the bottom of the ocean and has always been part of the water makeup. |
I believe that technology derived over the last 70 years and substantially since the 2010 Deepwater Horizon issue has made drilling very safe. We have to get our oil somewhere, and America simply has the highest standards for safety. The less we get from our own shores, the higher amounts will be needed from countries with lower safety standards, thus creating greater risks. |
On top of higher risks of drilling overseas; there is added risk of shipping the oil to our shores. The Exxon Valdez oil spill was from an oil tanker and did damage in Prince William Sound when it ran ashore, and the ship spilled oil. Only two large oil spills in about 70 years against thousands of oil rigs and tanker trips is a testimony of our safety. |
In 2015, we have better standards than ever before and always increasing our knowledge of standards. Since the time the world began using oil in large amounts, about 100 years ago, the economic benefits of oil has allowed the world to have far greater environmental standards and the resources to clean many polluted areas. Studies have overwhelmingly shown those countries using the greatest amount of oil has the cleanest environments and best able to handle natural climate variations. |
A simple supply and demand analysis will show how labor rates will rise when the supply of jobs increase, bringing economic prosperity and opportunity to the areas that collect the oil. Again, oil is demanded across the globe, if we have some in our area, it makes sense to bring the jobs and cleaner environment that comes with greater prosperity to our region. |
The greater the amount of energy that is produced overall, the lower the overall cost of oil, simple supply and demand. Many countries had hostilities in their own countries when oil prices spiked up in 2009-2012. These hostilities are never good for America for many reasons that are too numerous to go through here. Two major benefits deriving from peaceful countries is that they make better trading partners and have less violent extremism in their countries. |