Why is government involved in the first place? Free enterprise is not perfect and never claimed to be. Often those desiring heavy government control creates a false narrative that any perceived imperfection needs to be fixed by government. If a product is unsafe, a child goes uneducated, a doctor makes a mistake, a bank fails, a basic personal need goes unmet, an old person is without income among others, government thinks they need to get involved . |
Government often over steps and takes over too much. Certain sectors of the economy are so controlled that, that sector can be considered socialism. One needs to examine whether government action is helping or doing harm. Did they overreach and control everyone in a sector of the economy where only a small percentage was in need? |
Is it wise for government to supply a need that has a long history of being supplied by the church, especially when morality and spirituality are an integral part of that need and supply? When government is forced to supply the needs in a secular and amoral way, great harm is done. The founders believed that liberty can only work when the people are moral and religious. |
Regulations Politicians saw poor standards in some products and thought that they knew better and started to regulate. What they missed is that standards improve when people get wealthier and can afford the safer items. Often government decides standards need to be above a certain point that people are not ready for yet. |
Some people are priced out of the market of that item altogether and actually live with much lower standards. If a person can afford to increase quality from a 3 to a 5, but the new standard is 7, then they stay at 3. Almost every trade makes both sides of the trade better off than before. Often government regulations forbid better standards. Government way over reached on regulations. |
Education Politicians saw some children not being educated. Instead of some small measure to give this small percentage of children an opportunity for an education, the government way over reached and turned education into total socialism. The worst result, is the children are being educated in the shadow of the great wall of separation of church and state, creating great problems. Government way over reached on education |
Government takeover of education also greatly inhibits innovation. Schools resemble schools from many decades in the past, whereas technology has greatly improved. Cost of education has sky rocketed, where information technology has improved greatly with major price reductions. Education regulations, even on private schools greatly inhibit business model experimentation or improvements. |
Social Safety Net Serious personal needs went unmet in a small percentage of cases. Government involvement necessarily pushed aside charity. Government is mandated to conduct welfare in the shadow of the wall of separation of church and state, where charity was often religiously based. Religion is an integral part of caring for the poor. |
How and whether to help is very important. Providing for the poor can be enabling dependency or empowering. Government strict rules often creates a situation where people endeavor to meet the requirements to be on welfare and start to feel entitled and thus entrapped. Charities have the ability to assess the situation to ensure empowerment. |
Roads Roads are something that most people just assume government must provide. There are challenges for the free market and places that government must get involved, however there is a natural demand for the services of roads and businesses have proven they can supply roads. With a small structure and a little government involvement, free enterprise would provide better road services at a better value. |
Retirement planning Social Security and Medicare were established to take care of a few people that did not plan for their own retirement and became a burden to society. Government way over reached and socialized a large portion of retirement planning. A simple mandate that people have a certain level of planning is far superior to a total government takeover of everyone’s retirement. Annuities and long term health insurance are available in the free enterprise system. |