Quite simply, the greater the percentage of income taxed by the government, the less likely it is that the already wealthy entrepreneur will create tens of millions of dollars of economic activity and employ hundreds of people. All the subcontractors, venders, and companies that supply anything to this entrepreneur has more business as a result of the entrepreneur working. |
Government taxes and regulations sometimes discourage the expansion of successful businesses. Because of excessive taxation, businessmen can be influenced to cut back their hours and employ less people, thus hindering them from their fullest potential and contribution to economic activity. Any taxes or regulations that carry this effect should be minimized. |
It is important to remember that thousands of people have decided that this entrepreneur has provided service to them better than others, that is demonstrated by them turning over their money to the entrepreneur. If an entrepreneur dose not start, expand or even stay in business, then service is not done for thousands of people. We truly have lower quality of lives when we dissuade people from serving others. |