In the 1940's there was a young man named Robert. He was a highly intelligent and very wise, yet held hatred in his heart. Robert Joined the Ku Klux Klan where he created, recruited, and led a chapter of this hate group. Robert moved into politics in the 1950's. He knew the KKK could only affect a small amount of people locally, but he recognized his leadership qualities and the power that he held as a politician. He knew that being elected could allow his hatred to oppress a much more extensive group of people statewide and before long, the entire nation.
I, Bill Haley, strive to promote liberty, freedom, justice, and human rights. I want to encourage everyone to be the best person that God created them to be. I started this movement to roll back the policies that are harming opportunity and wealth creation. I do not take pleasure in pointing this out because it breaks my heart.
This needs to stop!
I, Bill Haley take liberty in assuming Robert Byrd's motivations and inner thoughts.
In the late 50's and 60's Robert realized that his membership with the Klan would hamper his career in politics and he started to move from the outward hatred to a more intense inner hatred for blacks. Being very wise, but also full of hatred, Robert saw the source of strength of the black population was a strong family and a solid work ethic; so he conceived a plan which his slave-holding forefathers long implemented. Robert's solution was to weaken the black family. Robert knew that he could not command from his senate seat that black men be sold and forced to leave their wives and children.
Robert contrived a program to remove fathers and husbands from their families, however he knew he had to sell his plan based in love and compassion. The program had all the ingredients of love, compassion, and help, although Robert knew that in reality, his plan was an evil plan and if one were to structure a program in certain malicious ways, the black families would crumble.
Robert and a preacher named Martin both knew that help coming from churches and charities had the necessary and vital ingredients of determining whether the assistance was enabling a life of dependence or empowering to self-sufficiency. While Martin wanted to go the charity route, Robert being very wise, yet clouded in hatred knew a maliciously structured government program could cause great harm to the black families.
Robert knew that if the government required men to leave their wives and children as a condition of government help then the black families would slowly crumble. The results were slow because so many black families had a good work ethic and knew the value of a father in the home; however some relented and gave over to entitlement and dependency. Robert kept increasing the benefits and expanding the eligibility, as to capture more black families and remove more fathers from the family home. Before the Robert's Klan influence, Blacks enjoyed an 89% rate of intact families, after roughly 60 years of Klan influence, Blacks greatly suffer with 70% broken families.
Robert's plans worked better than he dreamed, as the fathers left in ever increasing numbers, more children were without the vital firm hand of discipleship of how to become man or how a husband should treat his wife. Educational achievement fell analogous to slave owners restricting education. Crime exploded, thus creating an ever increasing number of prisons analogous to chained slaves. And without as many good examples, the work ethic fell.
This act is sold in caring language and has many great aspects. Still with hatred in his heart, Robert once again structured this act along with other legislation to harm and not help. Banks were forced to have lower standards for blacks than for whites, resulting in much higher foreclosure rates and economic ruin for the black family.
Robert strengthened laws, forbidding many blacks from selling their labor for what it was worth. Robert looked back a few decades and saw the motivation of his forefathers. Rep. Miles Allgood, D-Ala., complained:
Robert, with hatred growing in his heart, supported funding for abortions, knowing that black children are killed at a much higher rate then white children. "79% of Planned Parenthood’s surgical abortion facilities are located within walking distance of African American and/or Hispanic/Latino communities." |
Roughly 60 years after Robert was elected, the top officer (Exalted Cyclops) in the local Klan unit, which Robert won unanimously, Robert looked back at success that a Klansman could never dream of. Robert achieved a six fold increase of black broken families, a black incarceration rate four times that of whites, unemployment rates twice that of whites, a 41% black teen unemployment rate, a dependence on welfare, housing, Medicaid, food stamps and much more that is entrapping entirely too many blacks in poverty.
On January 4, 2007 Senator Barack Obama voted for this Exalted Cyclops to be his leader and third in line to the presidency. At Robert’s death in 2010, Obama praised his leader and took his mantle. Now Obama is raising the minimum wage through the ACA, lowering standards for welfare, increasing benefits, forcing banks to lower standards for blacks to have loans, weakening charities, allowing harden criminals to return to black neighborhoods, accepting high black on black murder rates, championing the termination of unborn black children and causing the long-term black unemployment rate to skyrocket.
While Robert’s hatred for black people is well known and his negative policies accomplishments undeniable, I do not claim to know President Obama's motivation, however his actions are clearly oppressing blacks in this nation.
Rules for Radicals