Anti-discrimination laws clearly compete with and push on the limitations of Freedom of Association protections in our Constitution. There needs to be a balance. Often people do not think out the complete ramifications of what they are advocating. Social change comes about best from social pressure, education and making the arguments, not from government force. |
There is a narrative battle over the Arizona law that purports to allow religious protections against those that would force business owners to serve in a manner that they consider against their religious creed. Some claim that it is hateful for someone to not serve others just because they are gay; whereas the other side claims, they do not want to be forced to compromise their deeply held principals. A third side is that it is hateful for a person or group to force by law others to provide any service. Of course, there are many more sides we could discuss. |
Just like another First Amendment freedom, freedom of speech allows for speech that we find objectionable. We must also allow for association or disassociation that we find objectionable. While a vast percentage of citizens would stop going to a restaurant if they did not serve gay people, most would totally understand a business not wanting a gay-themed night just because they had other theme nights such as a country music theme, women’s night, singles night, or “truckers night.” If a baker did not allow gay people to come in to buy cakes off the shelf, I could see a justifiable complaint; however, catering a gay wedding is entirely a different story. |
Going Way Overboard From a story This story was deleted from the web "This bill is arbitrary, capricious and antithetical to the spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood that informs our documents of freedom. It will lead to marginalization and oppression by allowing bigots to deny gay people access to virtually any business or service. The road to Indian genocide, Jim Crow, Japanese-American internment, the Holocaust and other iterations of human persecution began with laws that isolated and dehumanized entire groups of people." |
The list is endless; the Supreme Court has clearly stated that the freedom to associate is also the freedom not to associate. Social norms will handle the extreme cases of a store not allowing in someone for being Jewish; we should not have laws that force someone to do business with anyone that asks, because haters can use the law to harass. A line needs to be drawn by the providers of service. All transactions and associations must be agreed to by both parties involved. The government should not draw that line. Haley2024's Rating system surely could include these issues. This issue is one that is a perfect example of why there needs to be competing Rating Agencies. Different groups would rate these issues very differently, and everyone decides what rating association they would trust. |