Update 4-18-2019: This post is four years old, and the full Violent Crime Mitigation System has become more defined. The oversight board has been given the name Law Enforcement Authorization (LEA). The LEA is one of the thirty Sectors and authorizes all people with governmental authority within the criminal justice system such as police, prosecutors, judges, prison guards, detectives, sheriffs, and anyone else with judicial or police authorities. There is a separate Sector for authorizations in the Foreign Protection System named the Military Authorization Agency (MAA). There is a Rating System for every Sector and an RA’s main power is informational and Rating Floors. |
The 2015 post: With protest over police abuse (whether true or not) and the new digital age of spying and data collection, now is a good time for professional Rating Agencies (RA’s) that have real power to rate law enforcement. Every citizen would declare what RA they trust and that trust gives real power to the rating agency inspectors to dig deep into what law enforcement is doing. |
At certain levels of abuse, they, the Oversight Board, would have real power to change internal affairs personnel or bring additional people in with real power to make changes. These inspectors would be highly trained and need to have law enforcement experiences with excellent reputations. These inspectors, with this great power, would need high ratings on themselves to ensure great professionalism and root out corruption. |
Data collection is becoming a significant privacy issue and needs to be controlled. RA’s will have substantial power and the highest levels of authority to dig deep into everything law enforcement is doing. Private law enforcement companies will also be significantly monitored by RA’s as well. With great ability to gather information on people, RA’s would need to keep a constant watch to ensure lines are not crossed. |
There are certainly legitimate uses for data collection. In the balance between allowing a guilty person to be set free and convicting an innocent person, it is vital that we give law enforcement plenty of tools to ensure the correct person is convicted of a heinous crime. We do not want a murderer to be set free to murder again or an innocent person to pay the price of a crime they did not commit. The more information available, the fewer errors will occur. |
RA’s official inspectors will have the real power to put in measures to ensure the best practices in stopping abuses and allowing information and data collection to be used wisely. The very real and serious choice every citizen has in determining what RA they trust, will give that RA more power in these areas. |