<![CDATA[Haley2024 the Movement - Blog on Pockets of Freedom]]>Thu, 22 Feb 2024 16:06:15 -0500Weebly<![CDATA[Citizens’ Ownership Rights of Their Government Relating to Immigration Concerns]]>Sat, 20 Oct 2018 16:25:34 GMThttp://haley2024.org/blog-on-pockets-of-freedom/citizens-ownership-rights-of-their-government-relating-to-immigration-concerns
Open borders and the free flow of people into America profoundly diminishes every citizen’s ownership rights of America.  Open borders among the 50 states of America work great because citizens from all 50 states have a high level of love for liberty and the willingness to fight for that liberty.  The same cannot be stated for much of the 96% of the citizens of the world that are living outside of America.  
A group of people is allowed to jointly own a large piece of land and implement a government.  Those peoples’ ownership rights to their government certainly allow those owners the right to decide whether others are allowed to come to their land.  The joint ownership of the land and the joint ownership of the government created and owned by the individual citizens, has the right to decide who else can become citizens with voting rights.  We the citizen owners of our own government, through our representatives, make and enforce laws regarding immigration, citizenship, voting and other critical laws in this regard.
Americans should restrict the immigration of people with an objectionable culture.  There are thankfully very low levels of white-supremacist in America.  Most people do not want them living in their neighborhoods.  American politicians should discern when deciding to allow people to immigrate.  We the citizen owners of this countries should exclude white-supremacist from immigrating to the country we jointly own.  We the citizen owners of this countries cannot kick-out our white-supremacist, but we do not need to allow more to come in. 
White-supremacists are just one of the dozens of morally objectionable cultures.  The issue here is not about race, skin color, or nationality.  The issue here is also not about morally neutral cultures such as different music, food, clothes, worship style, dance, and the many types of arts.  Morally objectionable cultures involve items such as treating women as property, abusing children, demeaning minorities of all types, disrespecting life, and controlling people.  People who do not do these depraved things yet accepts and empowers others that do, contribute to a morally objectionable culture.
Another massive part of the cultural take-over of America is the reduced level of people who love liberty and are willing to fight for it.  Fighting for liberty includes every aspect of fighting such as voting, advocation, teaching, and yes, physically fighting when necessary through legitimate law-enforcement and the military.  What happens when the government suppresses certain freedoms, and people do not stand up in opposition?  A certain percentage level of liberty loving citizens is needed to keep liberty.
If Americans dilute that level with people who want a king or a dictator, the percentage of liberty-loving citizens will be too low to maintain liberty.  Too many Americans believe that most asylum seekers and immigrants come to America for the freedom that their former country lacked.  There is a considerable percentage of immigrants coming to America because their chosen tyrant is not in power.  They flee because of the tyrant’s revenge of those not loyal to him.  A high percentage of immigrants coming from third world nations vote in America for a big government like the one in which they escaped.
Thank God that American politicians have not implemented open border immigration policies.  Over America’s history, the vast majority of Americans are immigrants or descendants of recent immigrants; however, politicians controlled massive immigration from any one country or people group.  American politicians were also controlling for immigration from countries or ideology groups hostile to America or American values.  American politicians took measures to ensure the proper integration of immigrants and mandated a robust swearing to uphold the US Constitution.  
We, the citizen owners, should always keep in mind the dangers of open borders.  Immigration laws should consider ideology, criminal history, integration, and other pertinent issues.  If the immigration laws are not enforced, they are not effective, and open borders become the default.  The number of new immigrants and citizens should be limited to roughly 1% every three years.  New immigrants should love liberty, respect others’ rights, have a willingness to fight for liberty, and demonstrate a morally good cultural.

The Haley2024 reform, Foreign policy: Pockets of Freedom is Haley2024’s primary foreign policy reform and would help out immigration issues significantly.

<![CDATA[There Are Two Ways Americans’ Enemies Can Use Americans’ Open Immigration Policies to Take Over America]]>Sun, 14 Oct 2018 02:36:39 GMThttp://haley2024.org/blog-on-pockets-of-freedom/there-are-three-ways-americans-enemies-can-use-americans-open-immigration-policies-to-take-over-america
The enemy can be a country or a group of people spread across the world.  The enemy can have ideological motivations or past grievances.  These take-over methods work for all countries, not just America; although, caveats quickly arise with other countries.  The examples listed below are purposely quicker and more extreme than a likely event; however, brings into focus the dangers of open borders.  Reasonable immigration policies are needed to stop extreme events.        
The first way is for the enemy to take over America by voting.  The enemy basically sends over the necessary number of people to America.  The enemy registers to vote and votes for federal, state, and local officials loyal to the enemy.  Once the enemy votes in their own elected leadership, they appoint their people to the courts, the military, among other powerful offices with real power. 
The enemy can either change the Constitution or merely have their people on the courts decide constitutional cases in such a way to render the Constitution meaningless.  Of course, the enemy in the legislative or executive can just do what they want since the courts do not have the military or police power to enforce their decisions.  The enemy can appoint enough of the military leadership to have control.  The enemy would also fire other previous military leadership that is loyal to the American ideals before the enemy migration.
If there are still some controls on immigration, so that the enemy could not immigrate in significant numbers to take over by voting in two to five years, the people that do make it into America could vote for Americans that wanted more open border policies.  This way might take a little longer, however, as each election cycle continues, more open border people are elected, and more open border policies are advanced.
The second way the enemy can take over America is that the enemy sends military-aged males that are trained to fight to America.  Many of these five million enemy fighters are told to apply for jobs in America’s military and law enforcement.  However, others are told to apply for jobs in schools, malls, and other high population locations.  Many will apply for jobs in state capitals and city halls.  Many are assigned to seek employment at power plants and other essential infrastructure companies.
Media organizations would be on the list.  Many other strategic professions are considered.  They are told to lie about their real opinions about America.  They are told to fit in and act trustworthy.  The enemy decided long ago to sneak attack all at once at a particular date and time.  Military and law enforcement personnel made sure everyone had weapons.  Secret planning occurs but kept minimal to reduce the risk of disclosure.
At noon September 11th, 20??, after three years of infiltrating and planning the 5 million enemy combatants begin the attack.  The ten enemy combatants in each of the 100,000 schools kill 35 million of the 50 million American students within the first thirty minutes.  Every police station has a shootout, and because the enemy combatants held many offices in law enforcement and it was a surprise attack, 80% or 900,000 law enforcement personnel are killed in the same thirty minutes.
The enemy combatants throughout the military acquire tanks, machine gun trucks, and attack helicopters to have a massive sneak attack on the military.  Tens of thousands of significant targets and populous areas come under massive attack.  Teams of enemy combatants quickly take control of the media and put out propaganda and stop the truth. 
Teams of enemy combatants take federal state and local seats of government. 30% of Americans are dead at the end of the day.  The heavily armed enemy quickly destroys any resistance over the next weeks from Americans grouping together to fight back.  Demoralized and outgunned, the 50% of Americans left after two weeks yield to being slaves to the enemy.
These two methods are stated in the dramatic to make the point.  It is always a good idea to realize the extreme to give reasonable safeguards; however, we must also realize that there is a real history of over 100 million people killed by evil dictators in the recent generations.  There is real planning by certain groups of people to use democracy only long enough for their group to take charge. 
History shows massive populations in the Soviet Unions and China compared to America during the cold war.  Both Stalin and Mao Zedong both were brutal to their own people and wanted to take over America.  America was too strong militarily; however, they could have used the substantial migration and voting method to take over America.  In 1938, could a smart German commander have used the enemy combatant method if America had open borders? 
Instead of the Pearl Harbor attack, could Japan have immigrated a million people to Hawaii and California to enroll in the US military and US law enforcement?   The wealth of America and the enormous power of America’s military are substantial prizes to dictators.  Americans should not underestimate our enemy’s desire to acquire America’s wealth and power.  
In the present, or in the future, America has and will continue to have enemies.  These two methods of taking over America are not out of the realm of the enemy of American’s thought pattern, planning or implementation.  The definition of open borders has a broad spectrum, so moderately open borders might have a longer time frame.  When both the voting method and enemy combatant methods are used together, they can be more effective.
<![CDATA[Third World People, First World Government]]>Tue, 15 Sep 2015 00:11:48 GMThttp://haley2024.org/blog-on-pockets-of-freedom/third-world-people-first-world-government

Could people from the third world live under a first world government? 

Many people and organizations try to go into the third world and better people’s lives.  This is a very respectable and decent endeavor.  They provide mosquito nets, wells, de-worming medication, education aids, farming equipment, favorable trade among many other ‘Low Cost/ high benefit,' ideas. 
Most have shown some level of success; however, they lack some fundamental qualities to prosper.  Protection of outside forces and the rule of law are vital to have a prosperous group of people.  If we allow third world people to enjoy first world liberties and freedoms, they will prosper very rapidly.
When they come from the third world directly to America, the most significant and quickest improvement occurs in their standard of living. However, America must have an immigration policy which is best for America, which necessitates limited immigration and on the better-educated side.  
An interview with the head of Poverty Cure
While Mr. Miller is wise, taking people away from oppressive governments is the best way to allow them to flourish.  Pockets of Freedom allows third world people to work for first world companies and learn freedom; although, the most significant change will come with a new generation growing up with a new mindset.
<![CDATA[Refugees]]>Mon, 19 May 2014 05:42:41 GMThttp://haley2024.org/blog-on-pockets-of-freedom/refugees
Millions of people around the world just need a safe place to go. They need protection from oppressive governments or weak governments that cannot stop gangs, terrorists, extremists, or other oppressive forces.

Pockets of freedom can take in refugees and provide them with security. Aid workers, charities, etc. can help get people back on their feet and find them education and work. The free enterprise system will greatly increase their standard of living.

Click to read the book
<![CDATA[Seasteading Institute]]>Tue, 14 Jan 2014 02:40:09 GMThttp://haley2024.org/blog-on-pockets-of-freedom/seasteading-institute

 Have you heard of people trying to make new little independent communities not tied to a nation?


Yes, people want to move out to international waters and put land on floats.  These people want to build homes and businesses.  Once they are large enough and can freely trade, these little communities could potentially work.  Many new communities would be built, and implement many new governmental systems. 

Some of these could be expensive; however, when the scale reaches a certain level, the cost could be reasonable.  Many different models could be tried.


These could be part of Haley2024’s Pockets of Freedom but set up a little differently.

<![CDATA[Syria: No Good Answers]]>Sun, 15 Sep 2013 04:18:34 GMThttp://haley2024.org/blog-on-pockets-of-freedom/september-14th-2013

In 1940, if Hitler were attacking Japan, the USA would clearly not get involved.  The same non-involvement should apply in the Syria crisis now.  It is sad that innocent people are dying.  The billions of people around this world who live oppressed lives should have locations in which they could immigrate.  The leaders of the free countries around this globe should consider setting up Pockets of Freedom. Please take a look at the Haley2024’s plan for Pockets of Freedom.
